Working Group 3: Methods and Tools

Chairs: D. Straub and E. Chatzi
D. Straub and E. Chatzi

Overview on challenges and existing methods

Goals and organization of WG 3 and coordination with other WGs

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 T. Schweckendiek Value of Information in Levee Monitoring and Inspection
C. Papadimitriou, C. Argyris and P. Panetsos Structural Damage Identification by Integrating Bayesian Inference and Physics‐Based Models PDF
E. Ravina Low cost self moving unit for marine inspection tasks
C.M. Rizzo Marine Structures Testing Lab (MaSTeL) PDF
C. Andrade et al.
Selection of durability indicators for the monitoring of structural deterioration
M O'Byrne, B. Ghosh, F. Schoefs and V. Pakrashi Interpretation of Receiver Operating Characteristic Scatter Plots for Assessing Damage Forms Using Image Processing Techniques PDF
J. Luque and D. Straub
Modelling Structural Systems Deterioration using Bayesian Networks (BNs)
G. Cottone, D. Straub
Reliability Based Optimization of Inspection Planning for Composite Smart Components in Aircraft
17 FEBRUARY 2025