Samuel Beckett Bridge, Dublin, Ireland

9. Workshop: Case Studies, Strategies, Model, and Tools

The 9. workshop took place from 29. to 30. May 2017 in Dublin, Ireland. The Venue was the Museum Building of the Trinity College Dublin.

The focus of the TU1402 activities regards Working Group 4 and the development of case studies building upon the decision theoretical framework (Working Group 1), a collection and classification of SHM strategies and structural performance models (Working Group 2) and methods and tools to perform the Value of Information analyses (Working Group 3).

Please find the 9th Workshop report here. The agenda of the meeting can be accessed here.

Opening Presentation by Sebastian Thöns (PDF / jump to Video)

Keynote Presentation by Matteo Pozzi, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA: "Exploring infrastructure systems: free and constrained sensing optimization" (PDF / jump to Video)

Presentation by Jianjun Qin, Tongji University, China: "Role of SHM in the Context of Service Life Integrity Management" (PDF / jump to Video)

group picture Dublin

The group picture was taken by Kevin Ryan.
The photo of the Samuel Beckett Bridge crossing the river Liffey in Dublin, Ireland was taken by Kanakari and published under the license CC BY-SA 2.0.

Opening Presentation

Opening Presentation

by Sebastian Thöns

Exploring infrastructure systems: free and constrained sensing optimization

Exploring infrastructure systems: free and constrained sensing optimization

by Matteo Pozzi, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, USA

Role of SHM in the Context of Service Life Integrity Management

Role of SHM in the Context of Service Life Integrity Management

Jianjun Qin, Tongji University, China
17 FEBRUARY 2025