Library of Tools and Algorithms

Software Database on Value of Information and Uncertainty Quantification

The “Software Database on VoI & UQ” document summarizes existing tools that may be used in the context of a VoI analysis.

VoICalc: Tool for Value of Information quantification

The software tool VoICalc contains generic probabilistic models for moderately complex VoI problems and an interface for higher complexity VoI models such as the structural inspection and monitoring planning. Please mail Arifian Agusta Irman ( and Sebastian Thöns ( if you want to download the tool. More information can be found here: A. Agusta and S. Thöns. On the development of tools for decision analyses. 1st International Conference on Structural Integrity for Offshore Energy Industry, Aberdeen, United Kingdom, 6-7 September, 2018.


Bayesian Network for Value of Information Analyses

The publication below contains an approach of how to use Bayesian Networks for Value of Information analyses:

D. Straub, E. Chatzi, E. Bismut, W.M.G. Courage, M. Döhler, M.H. Faber, J. Köhler, G. Lombaert, P. Omenzetter, M. Pozzi, S. Thöns, D. Val, H. Wenzel and D. Zonta, "Value of Information: A roadmap to quantifying the benefit of structural health monitoring", 12th international conference on Structural Safety & Reliability (ICOSSAR2017),  6-10 August 2017, Vienna, Austria.
Supplementary material to the paper is available on the Engineering Risk Analysis group website.


Konstantinos Tatsis and Eleni Chatzi created a COST TU1402 Working Group 3 numerical benchmark. Which is presented on Chatzi's working group website and available for download on GitHub.

More approaches, algorithms and applications can be found in the TU1402 publications.