Working Groups

The Working Groups are in line with the Scientific Program with an additional Working Group 6 for dissemination.


o   WG1: Theoretical Framework

The team of Working Group 1 of COST Action TU1402 is dedicatedly engaged in collecting, assessing and recompiling the mathematical framework of VoI analysis to facilitate its targeted and efficient use for optimizing SHM strategies. In addition, a task of Working Group 1 is to examine and describe how the performances of SHM techniques should be quantified and documented to allow for an assessment of their value and for a full utilization of their potential in the optimization of SHM.

Leader: Michael Faber
Aalborg University, Denmark
Co-leader: Dimiti Val
Harriot-Watt University, UK

o   WG2: SHM Strategies and Structural Performance

SHM strategy encompasses engineering know-how and judgement, sensor technologies as well as methods/tools for data processing, jointly implemented in an asset management decision framework. For a given type of structure and structural performance, a selection of suitable SHM strategies can be made by qualitatively screening alternatives through knowledge and experience.

Leader: Marios Chryssanthopoulos
University of Surrey, UK
Co-Leaders: Geert Lombaert
Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium

Michael Döhler
Inria, France
Michael Döhler

o   WG3: Methods and Tools

To foster the application of Value of Information to assess SHM strategies, it will be necessary (a) to provide engineers and researchers with databases and toolboxes that facilitate the modelling, and (b) to collect and further advance the algorithms available for efficient computation. Group 3 aims to establish guidelines on the use of available methods and tools for harvesting the VoI, with the aim of optimizing operation and maintenance of infrastructure systems.

Leader: Daniel Straub
Technical University of Munich, Germany
 Daniel Straub
Co-leader: Eleni Chatzi
ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Eleni Chatzi

o   WG4: Case Studies Portfolio

The case studies will highlight which combinations of techniques of SHM can be expected to be feasible under which conditions with respect to the precision and instrumentation of the monitoring techniques. The following relevant application areas are identified: 1-Bridges; 2- Wind energy converters; 3- Offshore structures;  4- Dam structures.

Leader: Jochen Köhler
Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway
Jochen Köhler 

Co-leader: Helmut Wenzel
Vienna Consulting Engineers ZT GmbH, Austria
Helmut Wenzel

o   WG5: Development of Guidelines

Guideline documents are needed to facilitate the implementation of the principles and methods developed. Therefore, guidelines focusing on practical applications based on the example cases will be developed and serve as background document for a chapter in the JCSS probabilistic model code (PMC). The guidelines are developed based on and with interaction through the network of the action members to standardisation activities such as e.g. JCSS, EUROCODES,

ISO, IABSE, RILEM, fib, ECCS, CIB and an international SHM standardisation initiative as well as several national codes committees.

Leader: John Dalsgaard Sørensen
Aalborg University, Denmark

Leader: Dimitris Diamantidis
Ostbayerische Technische Hochschule Regensburg, Germany

o   WG6: Dissemination

The team of WG6 is actively engaged in dedicated activities aimed to continuously and promptly ensure the public diffusion of the progresses and results of the Action. Dissemination is targeted toward researchers, industry and citizens of Europe using several types of media:  this website, a brochure, social media, videos and of course scientific publications on peer-referred journals and Special Sessions organized at highly recognized and visible international conferences. The organization of a Special Issue on an International journal and of a training school on the subject of the Action will be one future engagement.

Leader: Maria Pina Limongelli
Politecnico di Milano