Islands Brygge, Copenhagen

5. Workshop

The 5. COST Action TU1402 workshop was held at the Technical University of Denmark in Kongens Lyngby, Denmark from 24. to 25. August 2016.

Please find the agenda here (PDF).

Workshop Opening Presentation by Sebastian Thöns (PDF / Video)

Keynote lecture by Michael H. Faber (Video)

Keynote presentation by Lazaros Nalpantidis on Robotic Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring (PDF / Video)

For the proceedings of the 5. Workshop login here.

All other contributions are accessible via the left-hand side menu.

Group picture of the participants of the 5th COST Action TU1402 workshop
Click the image to download a larger picture


Opening Presentation
Keynote Lecture

Robotic Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring

Robotic Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring

Robotic Technologies for Structural Health Monitoring
16 JANUARY 2025