Who has contributed?

This is the list of TU1402 participants (in alphabetical order) who actively contributed to scientific and industrial aims and impacts. Please find below a legend with the explanation of the symbols.


Case study

(Co-) Author of a case study


Special conference session (co-) organiser


(Co-) author of
several factsheets

Author of
TU1402 scientific papers


STSM researcher


Active in outreach


Workshop and Training School (co-) organizer

(Co-) leader of a working group


Ana Mandić Ivanković Bernt Leira
Alan O'Connor Ales Znidaric Ana Mandic Ander Zornoza Bernt Johan Leira
 conferenceSTSMWorkshop  STSM  Factsheets Workshop  Factsheets  STSMFactsheets
Daniel Straub Prof. Dimitris Diamantidis
Dagang Lu Daniel Honfi Daniel Straub Dimitri Val Dimitris Diamantidis
conference  STSMCase studyFactsheets  conferenceWG3Factsheets Workshop  outreachSTSMFactsheets  WG5Case studyFactsheets
   Eleni Chatzi      Helder Sousa
Dominik Skokandić Eleni Chatzi Frank Schoefs Geert Lombaert Helder Sousa
STSMCase studyFactsheets Workshop conferenceWG3STSMFactsheets Case studyFactsheets conferenceWG2 outreachSTSMCase studyFactsheetsWorkshop
Helmut Wenzel
Helmut Wenzel Henning Brüske Joan Ramon Casas Jochen Köhler John Dalsgaard Sørensen
WG4 outreachSTSMFactsheets Workshop conferenceWG4 conferenceWG5
Jonas Thos Snaebjornsson Jorge Mendoza Espinosa Jose Matos Krzysztof Radzicki Luís Oliveira Santos
Case studyFactsheets Case study STSM STSMFactsheets STSMFactsheets
Luis Saucedo Mora Marc Maes Maria Giovanna Masciotta Maria Pina Limongelli Marios Chryssanthopoulos
STSMFactsheets conference outreachSTSMFactsheets conferenceoutreachWG6Factsheets WorkshopCase study WG2FactsheetsWorkshop
Prof. Mark Stewart Michael Döhler
Mariusz Maslak Mark Stewart Michael D. Todd Michael Döhler Michael H. Faber
Factsheets conferenceSTSM conference WG2Factsheets conferenceWG1Factsheets STSM
Miroslav Sykora Mislav Stepinac Pier Francesco Giordano Piotr Omenzetter Sabina Askholm Larsen
Case studyFactsheets STSMCase studyWorkshop outreachCase study conferenceCase studyFactsheets outreach
Sebastian Thöns portrait Simona Miraglia
Sebastian Thöns Simona Bogoevska Simona Miraglia Ton Vrouwenvelder Toula Onoufriou
conferenceoutreachSTSMCase studyFactsheets Workshop STSMFactsheets outreachSTSMCase studyFactsheets conference Workshop
Dominic Di Francesco

Wim Courage Wouter Jan Klerk Dominic Di Francesco

STSMCase studyFactsheets Case study STSM

17 FEBRUARY 2025