Industry Innovation Days

The TU1402 Industry Innovation Days were held in Lisbon, Portugal on the 19th and 20th April 2018. The objective of the COST TU1402 Industry Innovation Days is to demonstrate the benefit in using SHM systems applied in Civil Engineering structures, based on a set of case studies, from all over Europe. The decision to invest on a SHM systems is being set based on a quantifiable value - the Value of SHM, particularly beforehand its implementation, and by using these real case studies to demonstrate it. Please find the agenda here.

The case study presentation can be found here. The panel discussion with Michael H. Faber (Scientific Chair of TU1402; Aalborg University, Denmark), Helder Sousa (TU1402 Innovation Committee leader; BRISA, Portugal), Wim Courage (TU1402; TNO, The Netherlands), Carlos Biscaia (BRISA, Portugal) and Knut Ove Dahle (Statens Vegvesen, Norway) here.

A PDF of the opening presentation by Sebastian Thöns is available here. The opening presentation by António Saousa, Board Member of BRISA, is available here. Find below the video recording of both presentations.
17 FEBRUARY 2025