Presentation of case studies


Presenter Title
Sebastian Thöns on behalf of Jochen Köhler Presentation of case study highlights PDF / Video
 Dimitris Diamantidis
Optimizing monitoring: application to assessment of roof snow load risk
PDF / Video
Jorge Mendoza Espinosa
Risk based design of an offshore wind turbine support structure using value of information
PDF / Video
Sebastian Thöns
Value of SHM information for the operation of wind parks PDF / Video
Dominik Skokandić Value of bridge weight in motion information PDF / Video
Franck Schoefs
Chloride induced corrosion on TMDC5 wharf - St Nazaire
PDF / Video
Wouter Jan Klerk
Structural health monitoring for flood defences
PDF / Video
Wim Courage
Monitoring of concrete bridges
PDF / Video
Helder Sousa
Novel pro-active SHM tool devoted to bridge maintenance based on damage identification
PDF / Video
Sebastian Thöns Assessment of risk mitigation strategies for attacks on bridges
PDF / Video
27 JULY 2024