4. Workshop

The 4. COST Action TU1402 workshop was held Guildford, England from 18. to 19. April 2016.

Please find the agenda here. For the proceedings of the 3. and 4. workshop login here.

Keynote 1 by Ana Mandić Ivanković, Presentation on “Performance specifications for road bridges -harmonisation between TU 1406 & TU 1402?”  (PDF)

Keynote 2 by Toula Onoufriou, Presentation on “Marie Curie ITN project: SmartEN”

WG2 Plenary Session

Luis Santos, Helder Sousa
Long-term performance of pre-stressed concrete bridges PDF


Photo: DTU Civil Engineering

Group picture of 4. Workshop participants.

Photo: DTU Civil Engineering

Guildford Castle in Guildford, Surrey, England

17 FEBRUARY 2025