WG4: Case Studies Portfolio

Working Group topic description and achievements

The alignment of the developed insights of WG 1-3 to practical cases and applications is of utmost importance to demonstrate the potential and practical relevance of Value of Information (VoI) analysis. In this working group relevant application cases have been identified and analysed throughout the progress of the Action. Here, it was built upon a substantial portfolio of previously performed case studies within the Action network. The case studies did highlight which combinations of techniques of SHM can be expected to be feasible under which conditions with respect to the precision and instrumentation of the monitoring techniques. In selecting them, the Action did review carefully the problems faced by the various European infrastructure sectors, in order to focus attention in those areas where societal requirements and expectations are affected. Engagement with infrastructure owners/managers was actively pursued in this respect.

The following relevant application areas have been covered:

  • Bridges
  • Wind energy converters
  • Offshore structures
  • Dam structures

The case studies did encompass a model to quantify the infrastructure functionality (such as e.g. power production for a wind park), component failure and/or structural collapse in conjunction with strength deterioration mechanisms, such as e.g.:

  • Metal fatigue
  • Corrosion
  • Overload
  • Timber decay


The TU1402 case study portfolio





Building Condition assessment of timber structures – quantifying the value of information [1, 2]
Optimizing in-situ testing for historic masonry structures [3-5]
Dike Head monitoring for flood defences [6]
The Netherlands
Bridge The Söderström Bridge [7-9] Sweden
Bridge maintenance strategy using SHM data [10-12]
Emergency Management of Highway Bridges [13]
Value of Information of a pro-active SHM tool devoted to early damage detection on bridges [14, 15]
Assessment of Terrorism Risk Mitigation Measures for Iconic Bridges [22, 23]
Case Study on Offshore Wind Farm Foundation [16, 17] Norway
Value of structural health information for the operation of wind parks [18]
Roof Case study on the maintenance of a tendon supported large span roof [19] Poland
Optimizing Monitoring: application to assessment of roof snow load risk [5, 20, 21]


1. Stepinac, M., V. Rajčić, and D. Honfi, Decision analysis and scenarios for the assessment of existing timber structures, in IABSE Symposium 2019. 2019: Guimarães, Portugal.

2. Stepinac, M., V. Rajčić, and D. Honfi, Condition assessment of timber structures – quantifying the value of information, in IABSE Symposium 2018 2018: Nantes, France.

3. Sykora, M., et al., Assessment of compressive strength of historic masonry using non-destructive and destructive techniques. Construction and Building Materials, 2018. 193: p. 196-210.

4. Sykora, M., et al., Optimizing in-situ testing for historic masonry structures: a case study, in 2nd RILEM Spring Convention & International Conference on Sustainable Materials, Systems and Structures. 2019: Rovinj, Croatia.

5. Diamantidis, D. and M. Sykora, Implementing Information Gained through Structural Health Monitoring - Proposal for Standards, in 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering. 2019: Seoul, Korea.

6. Klerk, W., et al., Structural health monitoring in life-cycle management of dikes: a case study in the north of the Netherlands. , in Life-Cycle Eng. Syst. Emphas. Sustain. Civ. Infrastruct. Proc. 5th Int. Symp. Life-Cycle Civ. Eng. (IALCCE 2016). 2016: Gent, Belgium.

7. Honfi, D., J. Leander, and I. Björnsson, Decision support for bridge condition assessment, in 4th International Conference on Smart Monitoring, Assessment and Rehabilitation of Civil Structures (SMAR 2017). 2017: Zürich, Switzerland.

8. Leander, J., D. Honfi, and I. Björnsson, Risk-based planning of assessment actions for fatigue life prediction. Procedia Structural Integrity, 2017. 5: p. 1221-1228.

9. Leander, J., et al., A decision support framework for fatigue assessment of steel bridges. Engineering Failure Analysis, 2018. 91: p. 306–314.

10. Skokandić, D., et al., Appliaction of bridge weight-in-moition measurements in assessment of existing road bridges, in Zagreb Joint Workshop - The Value of Structural Health Monitoring for the reliable bridge Management. 2017: University of Zagreb, Faculty of Civil Engineering, Croatia.

11. Mandić Ivanković, A., et al., Bridge performance indicators based on traffic load monitoring. Structure and Infrastructure Engineering, 2017: p. 1-13.

12. Skokandić, D., et al., Quantifying the value of B-WIM: Assessing costs and benefits for Value of Information Analysis, in IABSE Symposium in Guimaraes. 2019.

13. Giordano, P., M. Limongelli, and S. Miraglia, The benefit of permanent monitoring for seismic emergency management, in SHMII-9 International Conference on Structural Health Monitoring of Intelligent Infrastructure. 2019: St. Louis, Missouri (USA).

14. Sousa, H., A. Slobbe, and W. Courage, A pro-active concept in asset management supported by the quantified Value of Structural Health Monitoring, in IABSE Symposium 2019. 2019: Guimarães, Portugal.

15. Sousa, H. and W. Courage, Value of Information of a pro-active SHM tool devoted to early damage detection on bridges - Factsheet. 2018: Limassol, Cyprus. p. 8.

16. Espinosa, J. and J. Köhler, Value of site-specific information for the design of offshore wind farms, in IABSE Symposium 2019 2019: Guimarães, Portugal.

17. Espinosa, J. and J. Köhler, Risk-based Design of an Offshore Wind Turbine using VoI Analysis, in 13th International Conference on Applications of Statistics and Probability in Civil Engineering (ICASP13). 2019: Seoul, South Korea.

18. Thöns, S., M. Faber, and D. Val, On the Value of Structural Health Monitoring Information for the Operation of Wind Parks, in 12th International Conference on Structural Safety and Reliability (ICOSSAR2017). 2017: Vienna, Austria.

19. Maślak, M., M. Pazdanowski, and T. Howiacki, Value of information in the maintenance of a tendon supported large span roof, in 40th IABSE Symposium “Tomorrow’s Megastructures. 2018: Nantes, France. p. S27-19 – S27-26.

20. Diamantidis, D., M. Sykora, and D. Lenzi, Optimising Monitoring: Standards, Reliability Basis and Application to Assessment of Roof Snow Load Risks. Structural Engineering International, 2018. 28(3): p. 269-279.

21. Diamantidis, D. and M. Sykora, Optimizing monitoring – implementation of draft guideline and case study of roof exposed to snow loads, in 40th IABSE Symposium - Tomorrow’s Megastructures. 2018: Nantes, France. p. 27-34 (S27).

22. Thöns, S. and Mark G Stewart, On Decision Optimality of Terrorism Risk Mitigation Measures for Iconic Bridges, Reliability Engineering & System Safety 188 (2019): 574–83.

23. Thöns, S, and Mark G Stewart, Assessment of Terrorism Risk Mitigation Measures for Iconic Bridges, IABMAS 2018 - 9th International Conference on Bridge Maintenance, Safety and Management. 2018: Melbourne, Australia.

Jochen Köhler
Helmut Wenzel

From Monitoring to Decision Making


The title picture is a composite of a offshore-wind park taken by Tomasz Sienicki licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported, and the Øresund bridge taken by Guillaume Baviere and is licensed under Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 2.0 Generic.

7 MARCH 2025