Student Testimonials

Five of the thirty-three students from different countries around the world are telling us about their experience of and impressions from the COST Action TU1402 Training School in Cadenabbia. They are all PhD students who study at different institutions throughout Europe.

Lijia Long comes from China and studies at the Federal Institute of Material Testing and Research in Berlin, Germany. Sima Rastayesh and Seyed Mijtaba Hoseyni are from Iran. Sima is a student at Aalborg University in Aalborg, Denmark and Seyed is a fellow student at the Politecnico di Milano in Milan, Italy. Filippos Alogdianakis from Greece pursues his degree at the University of Cyprus in Nicosia, Cyprus. And finally Jorge Mendoza Espinosa from Spain does his research at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology in Trondheim, Norway. Watch below videos to see what the students learned and experienced.


Lijia Long
PhD student at Federal Institute of Material Testing and Research

Sima Rastayesh
PhD student at Aalborg University
Seyed Mijtaba Hoseyni
PhD student at Politechnico di Milano
Filippos Alogdianakis
PhD student at the University of Cyprus
Jorge Mendoza Espinosa
PhD student at NTNU, Trondheim
27 JULY 2024