
Dominik Skokandić 2016


The STSM I carried under COST TU1402 action was a good opportunity to expand my knowledge of Weigh-in-Motion systems, measurements and applications from world leading experts, in order to incorporate it in bridge assessment and management, as a part of SHM. I learned a lot from my Slovenian colleges, and I am looking forward to our future collaborations, which already resulted in couple of conference and one journal publication, and joint application for a new scientific project. Furthermore, the STSM results will be a part of my ongoing PhD thesis. I think that the STSM programme is great opportunity for young researches to expand their network and it gives them the chance to work with world-leading scientist in their respective areas. Therefore, I definitely recommend the STSM programme to everyone.”
Dominik Skokandić: Application of Bridge Weigh-in-Motion measurements in assessment of existing road bridges. STSM 2016, University of Zagreb Slovenian National Building and Civil Engineering Institute (ZAG)

Maria Giovanna Masciotta 2016

Maria Giovanna Masciotta

Jose Matos

The STSM I carried out within the COST Action TU1402 – Quantifying the value of structural health monitoring gave me the opportunity to work in a very qualified and stimulating environment where I could thrive both professionally and personally. Not only I have enriched my engineering background by learning new methodologies and techniques, but I also understood how the exchange of knowledge and the joint development of ideas can really have a positive impact on the output quality of the research. Not to mention the benefits that this STSM gave me in terms of future collaborations with my host University. I currently have a postdoc contract at the Department of Civil Engineering of the University of Minho in Guimarães (Portugal), where I indeed carried out my STSM.

Maria Giovanna Masciotta: The Value of SHM for the Structural Behaviour of Masonry Structures under Varying Environmental Effects.  STSM 2015, University “G.  d’Annunzio  Minho University

Bernt Leira 2016

Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway to Technical University of Denmark, Denmark

Bernt Leira 
DTU logo
Sebastian Thöns
During the stay, I experienced a very good social and scientific atmosphere. There was excellent communication with the research staff and Phd-students that are involved in topics relevant for the COST-action. Guest lectures were given with good attention and feedback from the audience. The visit resulted in several joint publications already completed and more will follow in the months to come.

All in all, the stay at DTU was very successful with respect to usefulness for both the COST-action as well as my own scientific work. Furthermore, I anticipate that it will be useful for the collaborators at DTU and the other members of the ongoing collaborative project.

Bernt Leira: Structural Health Monitoring for Large Structural Systems. STSM 2016, NTNUDTU

Simona Miraglia 2016

Technical University of Denmark, Denmark to University of Newcastle, Australia.

portrait Simona MiragliaDTU logo

UoN LogoProf. Mark Stewart

I am very glad I had the opportunity to participate to the STSM program of this Cost Action. I think this program is of great support to young researchers like me trying to build their own network of collaborations. Indeed, the program gave me the opportunity to improve and exchange knowledge (in the specific about Value of Information theory, resilience modelling and climate change effects), and to start a collaboration with Prof. Mark Stewart at The University of Newcastle (NSW) which is continuing in terms of publications and support to my professional development.

Simona Miraglia: Value of Information in System Resilience Modelling.


Wollotuka Institute Building , Callaghan campus

Picture credit @UoN

16 JANUARY 2025